How CJ's Fund Helps

Thom-Westfield Infant Toddler Services

Thank you for the generosity of CJ’s Fund. Every year I create a “wish list” for our families and staff of various medical equipment, devices, therapy equipment and supplies. There is such a sense of relief when we receive the application for CJ’s grant knowing that these “wishes” may soon become a reality. This year we were able to purchase the “Prologue-2-Go” application to use on 2 new iPads. This app allows the pre-verbal children in our program to experience a life-long communication system that is being utilized in local preschools. By exposing and teaching the children how to use the app prior to preschool, they have the ability to share with their parents how their day at school was!

- Courtney, Clinical Coordinator
Thom-Westfield Infant Toddler Services